Sold for A$15
1. T / Toppers Tops in Taste / Topper / 900 ml // This Topper Bottle / always remains the / property of / Topper Drinks Pty. Ltd. / Sydney D2825. Faintly embossed on shoulder: Modern AGM Monogram S14650 74 13. Smooth base. Generic Lemon Drink cap. 2. 5 red & white Ys either side of 32 / YY / First for / Thirst / 32 FL OZ // This bottle is not sold / and always remains / the property of / Y. Y. Aerated Water Co. Ltd / Lambton Newcastle. Faintly embossed at shoulder: Modern AGM Monogram IS 2074 1. Smooth base. Generic Lime Flavour cap. 3. 900 Websters 900 / Sparkling / Refreshing / Websters / 900 ml / Drink Ice Cold // Bottled by / Websters Soft Drinks Pty. Ltd. / Griffith / N. S. W. / Please return promptly / when empty. Base: Modern AGM Monogram / 7995 / 2. Plain silver cap. (New South Wales). Aerated Water. Crown Seal. Large sort of Champagne shaped. Ribs around base and shoulder of the Websters. Clear. Seam through screw top lip. Red & White and Black & White prints. 32 oz - 900 ml. 296 mm. 1970s