Messrs. Sealy and Malcolm were highly entrepreneurial farmers in South-East Queensland during the 1890s. From records found thus far it appears they set up the Trelawney Butter & Cheese factory around 1891 or 1892 (note the spelling of Trelawney regularly appears with or without the e as on the jar). They were keen promoters of their productions and mounted huge displays at the Queensland exhibitions of 1894 and 1895.
They conducted some quite large trials of irrigation at Trelawney from approximately 1895 and in 1898 were mentioned as co-inventors and promoters of the “Cryogen” refrigerating system for Dairies.
By 1900 mentions of Trelawney cheese are far less frequent and in 1905 the Trelawney estate is up for sale including all the cheese making plant and materials.
The stoneware jars would appear to have been made during the earlier years of the factory (circa 1892-1895) by the Rogers pottery at Ipswich.